About Us

Closing the loop for a safe, happy and healthy island community.

Mission Statement

Working together to ignite the shift toward a sustainable circular island economy.

Foundation Details

01. Purpose

A non-profit member-based foundation contributing to the transition towards a sustainable circular island economy, aligned with Aruba’s Master Plan 2020 and Circular Economy Vision 2050.

June 14th, 2021, in Aruba.

ACEF follows the policy framework outlined in Aruba’s Master Plan “Repositioning Our Sails” and Circular Economy Vision 2050 to implement recommended activities and interventions.

  • Contribute to Aruba’s 2050 Vision of becoming a resilient, knowledge-based economy, exporting sustainable circular economy solutions to other islands and small communities globally.
  • Build a self-sustaining society that minimizes dependence on imported resources and improves the lifestyle of current and future generations.

Closing The Loop For A Safe,

Happy, And Healthy

Island Community."

Key Principles


Design out waste and contamination.

Continuous Use

Maintain materials in use through biological or technical cycles.

Eliminate Negative Impacts

Phase out societal harms.

Regenerate Natural Resources

Rebuild natural capital.

Focus on Wellbeing

Prioritize social, economic, and environmental wellbeing for present and future generations.


Create joint value through partnerships.

Our Team

Meet our team of passionate sustainability professionals dedicated to creating a circular future.

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Founding President


Board Member



Honorary Mentions:
  • Kevin de Cuba – Founding Board Member
  • Joanne Trimon – Executive Committee Member


Contact Us

If you are looking to drive purposeful change, get in touch. Let us talk.

Contact us


Sabana Blanco 141, Oranjestad, Aruba

