What are some of the most frequently asked questions about ACEF?


01. Why ACEF?

The Aruba Circular Economy Foundation (ACEF) was established as a volunteer-based non-profit organization to accelerate the transition to a sustainable circular economy in Aruba.

We aim to achieve this by:

  • Intentionally closing material loops, encouraging local actors to refuse, reduce, reuse, and extend the lifespan of materials.
  • Promoting the creation of new types of jobs and economic activities that are compatible with Aruba’s resource base and socio-economic conditions, reducing dependency on imports of energy, water, food, and essential products, and enhancing overall wellbeing.
  • Helping Aruba shift from being a net-import dependent nation to a net exporter of value-added products and services.

The Aruba Circular Economy Foundation is governed by an Executive Board of five (5) members. The President, who has full legal authority to represent the foundation, is supported by a Secretary and a Treasurer. Two additional general board members serve as alternate representatives and can substitute for any of the three core roles as needed. All five members have equal voting rights and adhere to ACEF’s code of conduct and governance principles.

Board membership and the multi-annual work plan are approved for up to four years by registered and active members during a general assembly. The Board is empowered to create and dissolve sub-committees for thematic, operational, or ad-hoc purposes, with at least one board member actively participating alongside registered members. Additionally, the Board can appoint and discharge a Director and staff to meet the operational needs of the Foundation.

A Circular Economy is an alternative to the current “take-make-waste” linear economic system. It is more compatible with nature and seeks to replicate natural cycles, where materials are used continuously without generating waste, and ecosystems are regenerated. This economy designs products eco-intelligently, using healthy materials that circulate within the economy through multiple flows and productive loops, meeting current and future needs while generating prosperity and wellbeing.

  • Waste = Resource: Aim to design out waste and contamination.
  • Continuous Use of Products and Materials: Maintain materials in continuous use through biological or technical cycles.
  • Eliminate Negative Impacts: Identify and phase out harmful societal impacts.
  • Regenerate Natural Resources: Help rebuild natural capital and ecological services.
  • Focus on Wellbeing: Strive for social, economic, and environmental wellbeing for current and future generations.
  • Collaborate: Partner to create joint value.
  • Raising awareness and promoting knowledge about the sustainable circular economy (SCE), circular thinking, and practices.
  • Enhancing scientific knowledge and innovation in SCE by promoting the collection, exchange, and access to research data.
  • Stimulating cooperation between government, academic institutions, civil organizations, and businesses in SCE by developing networks, e-platforms, legislation, and media communications.
  • Supporting entrepreneurship in SCE and collaborating with local and international businesses on circular innovations.
  • Contributing to Aruba’s sustainable development goals by promoting SCE implementation locally, within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and internationally.

To become a member, visit the membership registration page at [insert link], and submit your contact information. You will receive a confirmation email with details on the membership fee, benefits, upcoming workshops, innovation exchanges, and opportunities to get involved in ACEF’s ongoing activities, committees, projects, and services.

Yes, your company or organization can become a strategic supporter of ACEF. This is subject to a pre-screening of your core business activities and performance to ensure compatibility with the sustainable circular economy principles and ACEF’s strategic goals.

The University of Aruba is a strategic partner of ACEF. Together, we exchange continuous academic and practical knowledge about sustainable circular economy practices in Aruba. ACEF supports the University of Aruba by testing real-case applications and solutions, gathering practical insights and empirical data, and sharing this information with the wider community to enhance the Aruban knowledge base on SCE.

 In collaboration with social partners, including financial institutions, ACEF organizes events, workshops, and business-to-business meetings to foster strategic partnerships within sectors, sub-sectors, business clusters, and value chains in Aruba. This cooperation helps develop new and innovative business solutions, models, and services that align with SCE principles.

You can reach us via acefaruba@gmail. For more information about the foundation, our active board members, and their profiles, please visit our website at www.arubacircular.org.

We appreciate your support and donations are always welcome.